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Stratford sub Castle Community Defibrillator

defib guardian details
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Defib comm23Sept2018.jpg

A defibrillator is installed on the outside wall of the Reading Room (village hall), Stratford Road SP1 3LL. 

If you Dial 999 to report a local emergency and if the use of the defibrillator is appropriate, the operator will give you the access code.  

Volunteers check the defibrillator every week and whenever it has been used, on a rota basis. If you use the defibrillator or notice a problem, please contact the person listed below.

MARCH 2025

Rosemary Winson

01722 325183

If you use the defibrillator, or notice a problem with it, please contact the above.

A message from Liz Waterman - Defibrillator co-ordinator


For the benefit of new residents and to act as a refresher for others I thought it would be useful to outline the basics of how to access the defibrillator and how to deploy it.


I would however like to start by thanking the team of defibrillator guardians who have checked and cleaned the defibrillator on a weekly basis since its installation ensuring it has remained operational throughout.  I would also like to thank the magazine production team and the village website who ensure that each month's guardian contact details are available in case of deployment or problems (see above).


The defibrillator is sited on the front outside wall of the Reading Room and is in a cabinet accessed via a key code.  If you dial 999 you will be given the code to the cabinet if you are located close to it or they may ask if you have access to a defibrillator.  


When the money was raised by the village to install the defibrillator, every household was given the code and a basic instruction card.  If you are new to the village or have lost the information do call in to collect a key fob with the code from me.


When you first come across a suspected cardiac arrest you should dial 999 and stay with the person. If you are with someone else at the scene one person can go and access the defibrillator and bring it to you.  While waiting for the defibrillator you should check whether the person is breathing and if not commence chest compressions.  Place your hands one on top of the other in the centre of the chest then push down hard and release in time to the tempo of the Bee Gees song “stayin alive”.  The ambulance call handler will stay on the line until medical help arrives and they will help you with the timing.

The defibrillator we have will talk you through how to use it and has built in safeguards so you cannot deliver a shock to someone who doesn’t need it. Stick to the motto that trying to do something to help is better than not trying at all and no one will blame you if you are not successful.  Free counselling is available for anyone who needs it.

If anyone has any questions do please ask and I will do my best to help but I am not an expert.


Collect a key fob with access code from me, either call in when passing or ring to arrange a time.


Liz Waterman

8 Castle Keep

01722 335691

September 2018 Defibrillator.JPG

Audience participation at a training session in September 2018

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