The Friends of St Lawrence Church - Registered Charity no. 1063271.
Next Event
Friday 16 May 2025 at 7.30 pm in the Reading Room
James Dewar has kindly agreed to give an illustrated talk on the history, current role and artefacts of Lincoln's Inn.
Further details nearer the date.
Friday 28 February 2025 at 7.30 pm in the Reading Room
Nigel Afford gave a talk about his experiences with 'The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery' during the 1970''s, that included some very entertaining anecdotes.
At the end of his talk Nigel mentioned that there's a video available on YouTube of the King's Troop taking part in the 1999 Royal Tournament. You can view the video here
(follows a short ad).

Nigel Afford (left)
with Friends Chairman, Ian McGill.
Friday 25 October 2024
Philip Wilkinson, Wiltshire's Police & Crime Commisioner explained his role and answered many questions from the audience.

Friday 21 June 2024
A mid-summer picnic was held in the riverside garden of Avonside House by kind invitation of Christine and David Mills.
'Cinnamon Jazz' provided the music.

Friday 26 April 2024, 7.30 pm in the Reading Room
Andrea Hamel, local resident and Marine Archaeologist explained 'What is a marine archaeologist doing so far from the sea?'
A number of artefacts were passed around the audience during this fascinating talk. The speaker is clearly passionate about her career and her talk was much appreciated by the audience. Andrea had previously appeared in the BBC2 Digging for Britain series (see image)..

Friday 23 February 2024, 7.30 pm in the Reading Room
Richard Griffiths, a local resident, recounted some of his legal experiences in a lighthearted, anecdotal account of his professional career.

Thursday 12 October 2023 in St Lawrence Church

The Farrant Singers presented a Concert of sacred and secular music.
The Farrant Singers, pictured here in St Thomas Church
Friday 26 May 2023 in the Reading Room.
Alastair McBain shared his personal view on 'Ukraine - How did it all happen?'

Friday 24 February 2023 in the Reading Room
'The Doom and The Virgin' a talk
by Historian, Chris Daniell, about the Medieval Wall Paintings of St Thomas Church, Salisbury.

On Friday 2 December 2022 in St Lawrence Church.
'Sing for Stratford'.

We were delighted to welcome The Kate Edgar Singers for a concert of seasonal and non-seasonal music.
The choir joined everyone for mince pies and drinks in the Reading Room, afterwards.
Image above - The Kate Edgar Singers in Salisbury Cathedral.

On Friday 21 October 2022, Archaeologists Dr Kris Strutt and Dominic Barker of the Old Sarum Landscapes Project - University of Southampton, and local resident & detectorist Alix Smith gave a talk to a capacity audience in the Reading Room. on the subject "Just How Big was Roman Stratford?"

On Friday 22 April 2022, Andy Baxter, local resident, gave a talk to an audience in the Reading Room "So how do you design an Armoured Vehicle?" This was of interest to those who were mildly curious to those who wished to indulge in as much science and technology as anyone would ever need. There were videos!

On Friday 19 November 2021, Jon Smith, local resident and experienced pilot, gave a talk to an audience in the Reading Room on the subject 'Pilot Training - a personal reflection on the last 30 years'.

Friday 23 April 2021
"Chained to Salisbury - a talk by the Mayor and Mayoress"
Local residents John and Carrie Walsh kindly gave a talk using Zoom, owing to the covid restrictions at the time. Their talk was fascinating - who knew what went on behind the scenes in their busy Mayoral diaries!
The Trustees would like to acknowledge with many thanks, the voluntary donations that were received.