Listed Buildings in Stratford sub Castle
There are many Listed buildings * and others of historical interest in the village. The general principles are that all buildings built before 1700 which survive in anything like their original condition are likely to be Listed, as are most buildings built between 1700 and 1850. Particularly careful selection is required for buildings from the period after 1945. Source Historic England
The website has articles about each of the buildings shown below and images with brief details of many more in the Photo Gallery. They appear here in a roughly north to south geographical order, beginning on Stratford Road at the church.
Also See:
a photo album of Stratford's Historic Houses with brief descriptions and these relevant articles: Cob Walls and Fisherton Grey bricks
No image but an interesting 1900 account in our Archives of how a fire spread "wonderfully", following a lightning strike on the milll.
Buildings Survival by century
12th Century
Remains of Old Sarum Castle & Cathedral, 12C-13C - AM
13th Century
St Lawrence‟s Church, Stratford Road (early 13C, 14C, 15C, 16C, 17C, 18C)
16th Century
Little Thatches & Old Forge Cottage, Stratford Road
Parsonage Farmhouse, Stratford Road (& late 18C)
Old Castle Inn, Old Castle Road (second half, C18/C19)
Marwarden Court, Stratford Road (late 16C/early 17C, 1710, 19C)
17th Century
?Forecourt side walls of Parsonage Farmhouse, ?Boundary wall to east of Parsonage Farmhouse,
Barn to Parsonage Farmhouse, Stratford Road
Flint Cottage & Home Cottage, Church Close, Granary to Dean‟s Farmhouse, Stratford Road (17C/early 18C)
18th Century
Moreton Cottage, Dairy Cottage, Post Office & Shop (Old Sarum View),
Former stable block to Marwarden Court, Stratford Road
Prebendal House, Stratford Road (1700)
The Old Laundry, Avon Side, Forecourt wall to Marwarden Court, Dean‟s Farmhouse, Stratford Road
Orchard House, Stratford Road
19th Century
The Cottage, Stratford Road (1800-30)
Cottage to north of Old Laundry, Railings & gate in front of Orchard House, Stratford Road (c1800)
Pittsmead, Stratford Road, (early)
Avon Lodge Stratford Road (c1830)
Statue of Sidney Herbert, Victoria Park (1863)
20th Century
Church of St Francis, Castle Road (1938)
Taken from The Archaeology of Wiltshire’s Towns, An Extensive Urban Survey: OLD SARUM and SORVIODUNUM.
Prepared By: Wiltshire County Archaeology Service December 2005
Kerry O'Connor
February 2022
* A list of all the buildings in Stratford sub Castle and Old Sarum on the National Heritage List, can be downloaded here. The document includes links to the respective entries.