Local History - Contents
This webpage is a Contents Page for the Local History section of the website.
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Stratford sub Castle
An introduction to the early settlement of the area
Stratford sub Castle place name variations & origins
Kerry O'Connor
Benchmarks in and near Stratford sub Castle
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
Land Holding (or tenureship) in 1748
Kerry O'Connor
Land Inclosure 1800
Kerry O'Connor
Land Sale 100 years ago
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
Magic Lantern 1890s - Mill Lane & Old Sarum
Kerry O'Connor
Map, First Edition Ordnance Survey map of Stratford sub Castle & the Woodford Valley 1817
Kerry O'Connor
David James
Post Offices
Kerry O'Connor
Road, A lost road to a lost abode
(The Drowner's cottage)
Kerry O'Connor
Roman Road, The Portway
(Old Sarum Landscapes Project)
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
The Lost village of Stratford Dean
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
Stratford sub Castle & the oldest road in Britain
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
Jane Court
Kerry O'Connor
Strike of Agricuiltural Workers 1853
Kerry O'Connor
Turnpikes & Milestones near Stratford sub Castle
Kerry O'Connor
Underditch Hundred incl 1662 map
Kerry O'Connor
Water Meadows, Stratford's Historic Water Meadows
Jim Platt
Water Supply, a history of the water supply to Stratford sub Castle
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
WW2 Dragon's Teeth at St Lawrence Church
Kerry O'Connor
WW2 Millers Close air-raid shelter
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
Old Sarum
Old Sarum - a Defensive Site
with a link to video
'Old Sarum from the air'
Kerry O'Connor
Old Sarum - images of the interpretation panels installed by English Heritage
as described by Henry d'Avranches
Old Sarum Landscapes Project - Introduction with links to several archaeological reports/papers and a photo gallery.
Old Sarum - Neolithic evidence
Kerry O'Connor
Old Sarum - Parliament Tree & Rotten Borough
Old Sarum - the Pit, the Pile, the Possible Pillbox
Kerry O'Connor revised December 2020
Kerry O'Connor
Old Sarum Tunnel
Kerry O'Connor
The Long History of Old Sarum in 4 parts by Alix Smith
David Balston & Kerry O'Connor
Places of Worship in and around Old Sarum and Stratford sub Castle - an historical list
WW2 Old Sarum Airfield - fake hedges
Kerry O'Connor
WW2 Guns on Old Sarum Monument
Kerry O'Connor
WW2 - Waterproofing & Rocket Projector Battery
Kerry O'Connor

Stratford's Historic Buildings

Avon Farm - a 19C 'Model Farm'
Kerry O'Connor
David James
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
David James
St Lawrence Church - link to Church History pages
Graffiti in St Lawrence Church, and its screens and pews A joint illustrated report by Jamie Ingram, Penny Copeland and Jude Jones, University of Southampton.
Interior of St Lawrence Church in 1895
Listed Buildings details are included on the
Listed Buildings in Stratford summary page
Old Forge & Little Thatches Cottages - illustrated details by David James
Old Sarum View - illustrated details of this former shop & post office by David James.
Photo Album of Historic Houses in Stratford sub Castle an illustrated tour of some of the village's older dwellings.
David James
Stratford Smithy - illustrated details by David James
David James
People with a connection to Stratford sub Castle
Antiquarian & Travel Writer
Archbishop / visitor to Old Sarum
Stratford Clergyman & hymn writer
Travel Writer
Artist & painter
a story of 100 years of living in Stratford
John Henry Cook - his own account of
Life at Mawarden Court in the 1920's & 1930's
He was the son of the Rev William Henry Cook.
Travel Writer
Author & Travel Writer
Earls of Sarum
Eleanor of Aquitaine
A Queen of England, imprisoned at Old Sarum
Travel writer
A future King of England
Richard Hill MBE
International Rugby Player
John Cattrell Hudson
Hudson's Field benefactor
Secretary to Thomas Becket
Instigator of the Reading Room
Director General of Ordnance Survey
Second Bishop of the original Sarum cathedral
Diary & Travel Writer
Church benefactors & family of a Prime Minister
King of England
King of England
We Will Remember them
Other articles with a local connection
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
Camp Hill
Kerry O'Connor
340 Devizes Road - route of a Roman road
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
The Court House, Lower Woodford
Kerry O'Connor
Kerry O'Connor
Old Sarum is mentioned in Walter Pope's
'Ballad of Salisbury' published in 1713
Kerry O'Connor
Hangings at Old Sarum in the 14th century
Taxes paid by residents in 1332, 1576
Driving a pony & trap without lights 1903
Stamp franked in Stratford in 1932
Parsonage Farm bore hole report from 1937
Domesday revisited - 1986 BBC Project
Stratford sub Castle Primary School took part. Read their contributions.
Many of the articles that appear in the History section of this website were written by members of the
Stratford sub Castle Local History Group.
Know Your Place
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