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After Storm Bert - Footpath (SALS9) route to town

Footpath SALS9 runs close to the hedgeline and underfoot is mostly drier than the adjacent field. However, there are some stretches of the path where paddling was the only option.  25 November 2024
Footpath SALS9 runs close to the hedgeline and underfoot is mostly drier than the adjacent field. However, there are some stretches of the path where paddling was the only option. 25 November 2024

Ed: Since the details below were published, the situation has changed. There is no longer a diversion taking walkers off the 'old' Avon Valley Nature Reserve boardwalk. On 23 December a footpath was opened that links the older boardwalk with the new Riverpark scheme boardwalk. More details in our News story here:

Original News article, 25 November 2024.

Walking across the Mill Lane bridge today, a quick glance towards the bench at the entry point to the Stratford Local Reserve path (SALS107)* established that it was surrounded by water, always a useful indicator of the conditions beyond it. The alternative SALS9 path was mostly dry underfoot but several stretches required walkers to paddle - so boots or wellingtons are advised.

25 November 2024 - Diversion
25 November 2024 - Diversion

Along the boardwalk, there's a 'Footpath Closed' sign approximately 50 metres from the willow sculpture with a marked diversion through deep mud (not taken). Retracing your steps to take the path alongside the allotments is a better option.

The structure of the new raised boardwalk through the valley appears to be complete, with work being concentrated on completion of the hard pathways before access can be allowed.

25 November 2024 Path under construction through the willow sculpture
25 November 2024 Path under construction through the willow sculpture

From the bridge near the Five Rivers Centre, it was evident that there are drainage issues with a section of the newly constructed cycle route and footpath - not yet open.

Along the route, several walkers were sharing news of which paths were walkable - always helpful. Conditions change daily and the above pictures are a record the situation on Monday 25 November.

*Descriptions of local footpaths and other Rights of Ways are on this page:

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