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Images of this year's ANZAC Day Service now available


Images taken at this year's ANZAC Day service have been made available by the Australian Department of Defence. View them in a new photo album here.



ANZAC Day Service 2019

Stratford sub Castle war graves are unusual in that the great majority are of young men from Australia and New Zealand who came over during World War I and who died of various diseases.

Our village school children place a posy of rosemary against every gravestone in a short but very moving ceremony held partly in the church and then in the graveyard.

This year we will be joined by a representative of the Australian Army. All welcome.

There is more information about the tradition of ANZAC Day on this webpage.

Do you have something of local interest that could be added to the website? Articles, News stories, Posters or Images are always welcome. Please email details to 

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