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More Bird 'sightings'

Update 28 May. Five surviving chicks fledged today. It had been a difficult time for the hard-working adults who had to find food for the chicks during frequent heavy rain showers. The chicks had been attempting to leave the nest box for several days and an adult bird was often seen to be blocking the entrance/exit.

News from 22 May

"No! We don't want to leave home today - it's raining out there!"

'Home' is a birdbox with a spy-camera installed. At least six blue tit chicks appear from time-to-time and there is much competition for food when an adult bird appears. (Click the play button on the image to view the short video.)


Swallows were spotted at the Parsonage Farm stables a few days ago. Picured above on 24 April, they were perched on the nearby telegraph wire during evening sunshine.

On Thursday 25 April, a cuckoo was heard calling from the fields behind Castle Keep. Is Spring really here at last?!

Jim Platt reports that he'd heard the cuckoo on 1 May - "Sounds like he was in his usual place opposite the church, on the river bank."


On 3 May, four Little Egret were in the field between Avon Farm and Manor Cottage.

Unfortunately a phone camera didn't capture a very clear shot....

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