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Flooding - a message from our Flood Warden


The Flood Warden for Stratford sub Castle, Duncan Hopkins, has prepared the following information which readers may find helpful at this time of local flooding.

Here is a summary of certain key items relating to flood risk which will be of interest to residents of Stratford sub Castle.

Salisbury City Council has a flood plan, available to read at:

To check the current flooding risk for a property: and enter the postcode.

To check the long-term flood risk of a property:

and enter the postcode.

Telephone flood warning service: 0345-9881188

The role of volunteer flood wardens is to act as the eyes and ears of the community on the ground and to communicate and liaise with the Environment Agency (EA) and the City Flood Response organisers. The flood wardens will not do the work of the Emergency Services.

If your property is at risk and you are:

  • a vulnerable individual for any reason;

  • on your own;

  • the property could become cut-off;

  • or you know of others who may be in these categories and maybe not able to respond to this request themselves

please inform the flood warden, who will collate this information and in case of emergency, communicate it to the Emergency Services and Flood Response Team.

Individuals should identify any factors which may affect flooding in the area, eg

  • debris or vegetation in water courses or culverts or drains;

  • flooding in the area;

  • flood water management installations in need of maintenance;

and communicate this information to the flood warden who will inform the relevant authority for remedial action.

Note: The sluice gates at Stratford Bridge are not for flood management, they are a part of the Historic Water Meadows – details in this article written by Jim Platt:

Responses from areas which may not be accessible for whatever reason to the flood warden to monitor the situation, are important. The EA web site contains information on how to prepare for a flood and thereafter.

Please report any instances of ground water flooding (as apposed to runoff from rivers) to the local flood warden for forwarding to the Wiltshire Council Flood Resilience Team.

The Volunteer Flood Warden (at request of the EA) for Stratford sub Castle is:

Duncan Hopkins: email (preferred):

Phone: 01722-321019 or Mobile (emergency only):07507-085308

I have been in this role for some years, but more flood wardens are required for 24/365 coverage, - volunteers please!

Duncan Hopkins

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