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Garden Club Open Gardens - review by the organiser

Refreshments at Manse House

So thankfully the sun shone and allowed us to welcome nearly 200 visitors to the ten gardens that opened for the day. It was lovely to see in addition to members of our village, so many visitors from outside the village. All appeared happy with the welcoming reception they received at each garden.

Thanks to all who helped both with the gardens and those behind the scene, particularly to those outside the village who came and gave such support for our village on the day by assisting in the running of garden receptions, refreshments, and plant sales. Plus, the invaluable support from members of our own village during the day running our tombola and ticket sales. Not to forget those who supplied such a range of delicious cakes. Fantastic team effort which has raised £1703 to underpin the ongoing viability of the Garden Club.

The Garden Club will reopen on 26th September with our speaker Richard Death presenting on the subject “Nature Conservation & Gardening “. Richard is from the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and also our village.

Thanks again to all who helped,

Barry Goldsmith

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