The May Community Newsletter is available to download:

Earlier News:
A walk into Salisbury from Stratford sub Castle on 27 April established what progress has been made - and what is still to be completed.

Designer/Artist Zac Newham was spotted at his 'Willow Bulb' near the Avon Valley Nature Reserve. He had returned to the site to add more willow whips to the now established plantings. Details of this art project are in our earlier News story.
A printed page taken from the Project April 2024 Newsletter is displayed on the fence near the still closed path from Ashley Road to Five Rivers Centre and mentions that the path will re-open 'within the next week'. A complete copy of the Newsletter is available to download at the bottom of this page.

The path has received its 'final buff coloured finish' but was still closed. on 27 April.
UPDATE - This section of cycleway/footpath and the nearby bridge were reopened on 3 May - see later News Story