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SOME of the potholes have been repaired on Stratford Road by St Lawrence Church


Image taken from the church tower 16 July

Just one of the many potholes by the church

Potholes on Stratford Road near the church had been marked with yellow lines in readiness for repairs. Stratford Road was CLOSED this morning (Tuesday 16 July) but re-opened at about 3pm.

News from Wiltshire Council 21 May

"Pothole reports 

When we receive a pothole report, it is assessed by an engineer, and given a priority based on our defect criteria, as set out in our Highways Safety Inspection Manual.

Not all reported potholes meet our defect criteria, and so not all reported potholes are repaired. Some reported potholes will be repaired at a later date, but not immediately as they are of lower priority. We aim to fix Priority 1 potholes by the end of the next day, while Priority 2 will be fixed within 14 days, Priority 3 in 28 days, Priority 4 in 60 days, and Priority 5 are referred to a manager for further consideration."

Previous News article 29 March 2024

Repairs were planned for 26/28 March but not carried out. No further details are available.

The potholes had been reported to Wiltshire Council - see earlier news article and images here:

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