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Salisbury Museum Festival of Archaeology Sat 27 - Sun 28 July


The Festival of Archaeology is THIS WEEKEND! The Museum will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 10 am - 5 pm. There will be talks, demonstrations and more. Entry by Donation (suggested £2). There's the opportunity to explore the new galleries too!

Image: Salisbury Museum

Image: Inside Wiltshire

Alex Langlands will be joining the previously announced line-up of speakers on Saturday afternoon.

Copies of 'Tales of two cities. Settlement and Suburb in Old Sarum and Salisbury' jointly edited by Hadrian Cook and Alex Langlands and launched on 25 July, are available in the museum shop.

Whilst introducing this book, Alex said: "I'd like to think this is now the book that people will go to for the story of Old Sarum and Salisbury from about the year 900 CE right to the present day."

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