Even Storm Darragh didn’t manage to dampen the happy, festive atmosphere. The fact that people were prepared to attend, despite the weather, only goes to show how popular our cafés are. The introduction of our festive cakes and cheese scones proved to be a great hit.
We had an enormous amount of raffle prizes, with the festive hamper being won by Christine, who lives in SSC.
From the café proceeds, we have been able to donate £430 each to Julia’s House and Morning Star Salisbury, as well as £25 each to the Parish Magazine and the Village Website to help with their running costs.
It only remains for me to thank all of you for your contributions and continued support of our cafés and hope you will join us again next summer season.
With all good wishes for 2025.
Barbara Mayall (Café Co-ordinator)
VIEW MORE PHOTOS taken at the Christmas Café
Ed: This makes a total of £2879 donated to various charities in 2024, from the proceeds of the Summer Cafés and the Christmas Café. Well done to Barbara and all the Café helpers.