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Stratford sub Castle Lunchtime Christmas Café Special 2023 - Review


The Helpers

 I am pleased to be able to say that our Christmas Café was, once again, a great success. The place was buzzing with the chatter of happy people coming together to enjoy the festive atmosphere.

The Sheppard Family

In addition to our homemade soups, mince pies, stollen and mulled wine, there was a huge variety of produce and gift items for sale, plus so many substantial raffle prizes to be won. Our Festive Food Hamper was won by the Sheppard family.


May I take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed items to the cafe, helped on the day or came along to enjoy the happy, friendly atmosphere, which has enabled us to donate £519 each to Salisbury Womens Refuge and Youth Action Wiltshire – Young Carers.

We were also able to contribute £25 each to the Parish Magazine and the Village Website, to help with their running costs.


We will be back in May for the start of our summer season, when we hope you will join us again.


With all good wishes for 2024.

Barbara Mayall (Café Co-ordinator)


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