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Stratford sub Castle Summer Sunday Café – 4th August (2.30pm to 4.30pm)

Café 7 July - click to view more images

Can you believe our luck? As we set up for our July café the rain was coming down and we feared the worst but, just around the time we opened, the skies started to clear, the sun peeped through and it didn’t rain again until we closed.

That meant we had a lively, busy café after all and the proceeds amounting to £338 have been donated to Home-Start, South Wiltshire.


We are hoping our luck holds for our August 4th café so that you can continue to enjoy our delicious homemade cakes and cream teas or our newly introduced savoury cheese scones with chutney. As always, our kitchen/garden produce and pre-loved books tables will be offering more bargain buys. (Cash Payments only please.)


To boost our supplies of kitchen/garden produce, we would appreciate your donations, however, we do not require any more books this season. Please liaise with contact listed below, or bring items along on the day at the start of the café.


Proceeds from our August café will be donated to Wiltshire Air Ambulance which, as we all know, provides an essential Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) in Wiltshire, Bath and surrounding areas, but did you know it costs £4.5 million a year to keep the lifesaving service operational, which equates to more than £12,000 per day.



PRODUCE             JUDY VILLIERS      Tel: 01722 500173


Our last café of the summer season will be on Sunday 1st September, so don’t miss out, make a note in your diaries now.


We all look forward to seeing you soon.

Barbara Mayall – Café Co-ordinator  (Tel: 01722 411337)

Do you have something of local interest that could be added to the website? Articles, News stories, Posters or Images are always welcome. Please email details to 

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