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Stratford sub Castle Summer Sunday Cafés - 2024


THE NEWS YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR – our Summer Sunday Cafés are set to continue again this year, come rain or shine, with seating indoors as well as outdoors in our garden area.


Sunday Opening Times are 2.30pm to 4.30pm.


Our popular homemade cakes and cream teas will be available at our usual low prices. For example – a scone with butter, strawberry preserve & clotted cream is only £2.50 so, why not come along and treat the family!

We will also have our kitchen/garden produce and pre-loved books tables plus,

NEW FOR THIS SEASON, we will have a selection of VINYL RECORDS for sale.


(Cash Payments only please.)


All proceeds are donated to various local charities or local community projects.


To ensure you don’t miss out, please make a note of the following café dates and our chosen charities.


5th MAY        PROSTATE CANCER – via The Stars Appeal, SDH

2nd JUNE      PARKINSON’S - Salisbury Branch





LOOKING AHEAD - SATURDAY 7th DEC – Festive Lunchtime Christmas Café.

To boost our summer café supplies, we would appreciate your donations of books (especially novels) or kitchen and garden produce, so please liaise with contacts listed below, or bring items along on the day at the start of the café.


If you are a new resident to our village, the cafés are an ideal place to get to know your neighbours and make new friends, so please come along and join us. You will be most welcome.



BOOKS                  ALIX SMITH            Tel: 01722 324949

PRODUCE             JUDY VILLIERS      Tel: 01722 500173


We all look forward to seeing you again at one of our great Summer Sunday cafés.


Barbara Mayall – Café Co-ordinator  (Tel: 01722 411337)


Do you have something of local interest that could be added to the website? Articles, News stories, Posters or Images are always welcome. Please email details to 

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