We learned that the title of the lecture 'The City in the Castle and the Castle in the City' has been attributed to Henry of Avranches AD1225/6 and is an extract from his writings about the move of the old cathedral on Old Sarum to Salisbury.
The live lecture has now taken place. However, it you missed it (or would like to listen to it again), a recording is available on YouTube. Note that there is a sound issue at the start (don't adjust your speakers, it will clear) and after an introduction to the meeting (parts in Welsh language), Alex Langlands' lecture begins at 5 m 30s.

There is a copy of Kris Strutt & Dominic Barker's report mentioned in the talk here on the village website.

Original News story 10 February 2024
Dr Alex Langlands FSA, is Associate Professor of History and Heritage in the department of History, Heritage and Classics at Swansea University. He has worked in commercial archaeology, broadcast media, and has an academic specialism in medieval landscape studies.
Alex is well known in Stratford sub Castle for his involvement in the Old Sarum Landscapes Project.

The lecture, "The city in the castle and the castle in the city’: New perspectives on the archaeology and history of Old Sarum" will go live on-line at 5 pm on Thursday 14 March and has been arranged by The Society of Antiquaries. A ticket to view online needs to be booked.
About the Talk:
Old Sarum remains one of the most significant monuments in southern England, essential to our understanding of political, administrative and cultural developments in the Anglo-Norman period. But how much can we really deduce from the archaeological evidence?
This talk will bring together all archaeological work undertaken to date, published and unpublished, in a synthesis that will address some of the key questions that still hover over our understanding of the site and the chronology of its development. What emerges is a landscape of profound historical and evidential significance in terms of what it can tell us about the Norman colonial project and developments in urbanism from the tenth to twelfth centuries. This research work was generously funded by the Margaret and Tom Jones Research Fund.
Attendance by Live Stream:
Open to anyone to join, Fellows, Affiliates and General Public.
The event will be live-streamed to YouTube here.
The event will begin at 17.00 GMT on Thursday 14 March.
You will receive an email reminder with the link to join the day before the lecture.
Note from the Society of Antiquaries: A ticket to view online needs to be booked. Please help the Society continue to deliver our FREE online Lecture Programme by making a donation to cover the cost of upgraded IT and software. We would really appreciate your support. Thank you!
Further information and bookings: https://www.sal.org.uk/event/city-in-the-castle/
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