Stratford sub Castle Village Website
Salisbury, Wiltshire UK
Old Sarum
This Magic Lantern slide is from the 1890s and shows Old Sarum from the South East.
The road to Amesbury curved to the east of the Old Castle Inn, forty years later the A345 took a more direct route to its west.
The line of trees on the right is still there but now separates this view from the A Road. The well worn track on the right no longer exists, it joined the path following the line of the old city walls just before its junction with the (old) road to Amesbury. It no longer does, trees and an embankment close this corner off from Hudson’s Field.
A footpath crossing the field in the middle of the view persists today, now alongside a hedge that divides the upper from the lower field.
The map is reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland, with excerpt selected and annotation superimposed by the author.
1900 map
The Magic Lantern Slide is reproduced with the permission of the Stratford sub Castle Village Local History Group.
The modern photograph is by the author.
Kerry O’Connor
January 2021
This article supplies the answer to Question No. 14 in the website's
Local History Photo Quiz.