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Mobile Library News


Wiltshire's Mobile Library service began in 1954, which is when this image was taken. It is on display at the back of the current mobile library vehicle. Kate Bryant, the Mobile Libraries librarian, told me that the photograph was taken outside The Wheatsheaf Inn at Lower Woodford, a stop which is still part of the library round today.

The Wiltshire Libraries mobile van makes fortnightly visits on a Wednesday to Castle Keep Stratford sub Castle, parking there from 11.00 am until 11.25 am. The next date the van is due to visit is displayed on the Home Page, later dates can be found in the Village Calendar (a webpage in the 'Local Information section of the Menu.

Did you know that as well as borrowing books from the mobile library van, you can also return any items that have been borrowed from any Wiltshire library?

Books borrowed from the mobile library can be kept for up to 4 weeks before returning or renewing them. This is to tie-in with the fortnightly visits of the mobile library.

If you use the mobile library, you can be assured of a friendly welcome from librarian Kate Bryant, as regular users know!


Salisbury Library details:

Market Place, Salisbury. SP1 1BL Telephone 01722 324145

Image taken Salisbury Library September 2023

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