UPDATE 1 December: The Devenish has now re-opened as planned.
Notices at the Reserve indicate that for the benefit of the woodland and wildlife, not all diseased trees and branches have been removed.
In places the ground is uneven and visitors are advised to keep to the marked routes.

Earlier News post
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust announced that owing to planned ash-dieback works. the Devenish Reserve will be CLOSED from Monday 23 September.
The closure will apply to the public and to the local volunteers who undertake various maintenance tasks of a less hazardous type under the direction of Volunteer Warden Richard Death.
Richard has commented:
"The work will involve some significant felling of dead or dangerous mature trees across the Reserve and removal of some of the timber, which, in turn, requires some pretty substantial machinery to be working on site."
It is thought that the works will take several weeks to complete, before the Reserve can be safely reopened to the public.
You can read about the Devenish Reserve on this webpage:
or view images taken at the reserve:

The Durnford Road was closed on 10 October between the entrance to Little Durnford and Salterton for tree works close to the road adjacent to The Devenish.