The Stratford sub Castle Garden Club meets in the Reading Room SP1 3LL at 7.15pm for a 7.30 pm start on the last Thursday of the month – September to November and January to June.
The Club is open to everyone with an interest in gardens, plants and gardening and is especially useful if you are a new gardener or have just moved into the area.
Our first meeting of the new membership year is on Thursday September 26th, when our speaker will be Richard Death. His talk is titled “Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – Nature Conservation and Gardening”. Richard lives in Stratford sub Castle and I am sure that many of you will know him and will enjoy his talk.
The speaker for the Thursday 31 October meeting will be Michael Harvey, Senior Gardener at Mottisfont. His talk is titled “Mottisfont, a Rose Garden Paradise”. Many of you will know Mottisfont, this talk will give an insight into the Rose Garden.
Our November meeting is on Thursday 28th and the speaker will be Rosemary Legrand.
Rosemary has visited us before, this time her talk will be on “Glorious Gardens of France”.
All are welcome to our meetings – see the Garden Club's Home Page for details of our Membership or contact Rob Barclay for further information 07867 655642
Jeff Long – Programme Secretary – 01722 324421