Village Website - Privacy Policy
The village website is committed to respecting the privacy of its users. We have prepared and displayed this policy because we want you to know how we handle personal information.
Personal Information
In this privacy policy, 'personal information' means any information which identifies an individual, for example: a name; address; telephone number; email address.
We will amend or delete any personal information on request. Contact us by sending an email to
The village website uses personal information in these situations:
1 With the consent of the person/s concerned, we process, store, and display publicly:
i) the personal details of contacts for local clubs or organisations;
ii) the personal details for persons responsible for: selling tickets for an event; organising an activity; or similar;
2 If an individual sends us a news item, article, image or similar, we may identify that individual as the author unless requested to do otherwise. If personal details of a third-party are included in the copy provided, we will assume that the 3rd party has agreed to our use of their details. Any subsequent requests to amend or delete would be accepted from either party.
3 We process, store and display publicly the personal details of an individual or organisation that has relevance to any of our webpages, when those details are already in the public domain.
4 We store and process personal information about our website volunteers for the purposes of logging into and maintaining this website.
5 When a website volunteer is the author of a news item or other webpage, their name and any other information that they have chosen to divulge will be processed, stored and may be publicly displayed.
Non-personally identifying information/Cookie Policy
In common with most websites, we may collect information on how users interact with our website by using cookies and log files which may include your Internet Protocol (IP), browser "user-agent", pages viewed and other similar activities. Small text files may be placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. It is your decision whether or not to disable cookies in your browser: consult your browser's Help section for details.
Our website data bases can only be accessed by our local volunteers who use password-protected user accounts to create, amend, or delete files used to create webpages.
Our data files are stored on a secure server whose Privacy Policy can be read here.
v 1.1 Published 29 July 2018
This webpage was Reviewed on 24 January 2023 - no changes were deemed to be necessary and none made. RW