Public Rights of Way in and around Stratford sub Castle

These images are extracts from the Wiltshire Council Definitive Map as it appeared on 26 August 2020.
Here is a link to expand the area or to check for any updates:
Wiltshire Council Definitive Map
The Rights of Way in Stratford sub Castle are described in detail here.

There are four categories of public rights of way and each is colour coded on waymarking signs: footpaths are yellow, bridleways blue, restricted byways purple and byways open to all traffic, red.
Wiltshire County Council have a duty to record them as a definitive map and statement and keep them open. They have to provide signs where these rights of way leave the metalled road. To report a problem with a Right of Way in Wiltshire, contact Wiltshire Council here.
Permissive paths are not public rights of way and local highway authorities do not have an obligation to signpost them. (The Highway Act 1835 describes any road, track or path in public use as a highway).
Landowners are not allowed to block, obstruct, obscure or allow vegetation to encroach upon rights of way. For byways they must not disturb the surface and they must not cultivate within 1.5 metres for a field edge footpath and three metres for a field edge bridleway. Bulls over the age of 10 months of certain recognised dairy breeds may not be kept in fields that contain a public right of way and of those other breeds must be accompanied by cows or heifers. Warning notices relating to bulls must only be used when they are in fact present in a field.
It was announced in February 2022 that a plan to close the definitive maps to any claims of historic paths which existed before 1949 by January 2026, is set to be scrapped.
Descriptions of the public rights of way in and around Stratford and Old Sarum:
From Avon Farm south to where it becomes SALS 9 at the hedge line and gateway due west of the church. Category footpath. WCC ref WFOR 19. Length 607m
Continuous with and running south from WFOR 19 above, crossing SALS 11 just to the south west of Mill Lane bridge, past the allotments and down to Ashley Rd at Summerlock bridge. Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 9. Length 2483 M
From Mill Lane bridge to the Devizes Road. Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 11. Length 515M
From Mill Lane bridge across the water meadows south east to the gateway and riverbank opposite Tadpole Island. Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 107. Length 577 metre
From Stratford road at Deans Farm and the gateway by the Stratford sub Castle sign running south alongside the road and behind the hedge to the verge at the church. Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 23. Length 191 m
From Stratford Road at Deans Farm and the gateway by the Stratford sub Castle sign running across the field behind the church , then across Gradidge Lane and across the fields behind Parsonage Farm, Russell House, the White House , Orchard Cottage, past the playing field , crossing the now lost Roman road , emerging between Five Gables and Albertine cottage onto the Portway . Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 6. Length 412 m
From Stratford Rd between Long Gate and Castle Close, running behind The Glen, Beech Tree House, Cherry Grove and emerging back onto the Stratford Road between Castle Cottage and Rose Cottage Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 7. Length 179m
From Stratford Road at Kings Bridge Mead running alongside properties of Shelley Drive and Capulet Drive, on between the school and the leisure centre to Hulse Rd. Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 8. Length 917 M
From between Dairy Cottage and Russell House up to the now covered old water reservoir then west alongside a hedge and the line of the old city wall then where it almost touches the Portway then curving north east to join the Castle Rd opposite the Old Castle Inn. Category bridleway. WCC ref SALS 24. length 871m
From Stratford Road between Farthing Cottage (formerly Morton Cottage) and Portway Lodge past the Parliament Tree Field and Memorial Stone, alongside Hudson Field as a hollow way then curving to the bifurcation between the Old and New Castle Roads. Known as the Portway. Category restricted byway. WCC ref SALS 3. length 697m
From Phillips Lane just east of The Rings south up and to the outer bank of Old Sarum (length 140m) the whole circumference of the outer bank (length 1453m) then descending south to join SALS 5 (length 1432m). Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 101.
From SALS 5 east of the gas distribution centre rising up north east to the outer bank of Old Sarum (129m) then with a staggered crossing of SALS 101 crossing the outer (169m) to encircle the inner bailey (547m) and then leaving it along the approach road and so down to join the A345 (249m). Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 100.
From Phillips Lane and the foot of the archaeological spoil heap on the northern outer bank, curving around the north east quarter of the foot of Old Sarum to join the approach road to the monument at Old Sarum Farm. Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 102. Length 436m
From the apex of the hill and the bifurcation of a farm track on the edge of a copse and contiguous with Bridleway ref DURN 18 that runs north to Keepers Cottage, down the hill to Shepherds Corner and the water treatment centre, then up the hill to cross over Phillips Lane and skirt around the north east of Old Sarum to join the approach road and thence the A345. Category bridleway. WCC ref SALS 97. Length 1371m
From Stratford road opposite 29 Shakespeare Rd, across Hudson Field north east to join Castle Rd opposite number 257. Category footpath. WCC ref SALS 2. Length 512
Information provided by Kerry O'Connor August 2020
Wherever you walk in the countryside, the Countryside Code applies. Click the logo to view a leaflet/summary issued in April 2021.
Or to read the full details use this link to the full version.