Stratford sub Castle Village Website
Salisbury, Wiltshire UK
Signs of Spring 2020
A report of hearing the first cuckoo calling in Stratford sub Castle at 0850 on Thursday 9 April from Richard Death.
We only have this library sound track to offer though...
Judas tree in the churchyard. 22 April 2020 Image: Mary McGill
Bluebells & Apple Blossom in the garden. 20 April 2020 Image: Barbara Mayall
Apple blossom in the garden. 20 April 2020 Image: Barbara Mayall
Cowslips in a resident's lawn. 12 April 2020 Image: Richard Death
3 swallows arrived at Parsonage Farm today 12 April 2020
Apple Blossom and Cowslips. Parsonage Farm, April 2020. Image: Kerry O'Connor
Peacock butterfly 8 April 2020, east of Salterton.
Birdsong. Devenish 6 April 2020 Chiff chaff (at 6 secs); blackbird (at 12 secs). Need help with others....
Orange-tip (m) at The Devenish 6 April 2020
Green Alkanet 6 April 2020 Little Durnford
Primroses at The Devenish 6 April 2020
Violets at The Devenish 4 April 2020 Image: Richard Death
Bluebell at The Devenish 4 April 2020. Image: Richard Death
Wild garlic at The Devenish 2 April 2020
Celandines at The Devenish 2 April 2020
Green leaves emerging on Hornbeam. Devenish. 2 April 2020
Blackthorn nr Keeper's Cottage. 2 April 2020 Blackthorn flowers emerge before its leaves but Hawthorn leaves emerge before its flowers.