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Stratford sub Castle - Houses of Historical Interest
A pictorial tour around the village, starting from the northern (church) end.
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The Manor House
Detached house. Mid-C17 with alterations and addition of c1880. Limestone and flint, tiled roof with coped verges and saddlestones, diagonally-set brick stacks. C17 symmetrical lobby entry house, now L-plan with late C19 wing to left. 2-storey and attic, 5- window front. Door to left in C19 2-storey gabled porch with one 4-light mullioned and transomed window with hood mould to left, to right are two C17 4-light mullioned and transomed windows with hood moulds. First floor has one 4-light mullioned and transomed window either side of cross window to C17 range, all with relieving arches and hood moulds, to left is 4-light mullioned and transomed window and 6-light chamfered mullioned window of C19. Two attic gabled dormers to C17 part have 2-light chamfered-mullioned windows with hood moulds. Right return has C20 door and window to ground floor and 3-light mullioned window to attic. Left return two C19 glazed doors, a cross window, one 5-light mullioned and transomed window and C20 French windows. First floor has 2-light mullioned windows to right, 5-light to centre and sash to left. Rear of C17 range has C19 French windows and a brick bay window, with 12-pane sashes to first floor. C19 wing has C20 12-pane sashes to ground and first floors. Interior has C18 stairs with octagonal newel, C18 doors with fielded panels and moulded architraves, first floor C18 segmental- headed fireplace with classical overmantel. Features in Cl9 range include a fireplace with wheat-ear surround to ground floor drawing room. (Unpublished Records of RCHM (England) Salisbur.)
Listing NGR: SU1302133017
Listing NGR: SU1302133017

Mawarden Court
Grade II* GV
Late C16/early C17 alterations in circa 1710 and C19. East front: 2-storeyes and attic, dressed stone, old tile roof. East front U-shaped with 3-light leaded stone mullioned attic windows and 6-light stone mullioned and transomed
windows with C19 lights on ground and 1st floors, all under dripmoulds. Central upper 4-light stone mullioned and transomed window and porch between the gabled
wings with rusticated jambs and flat hood on brackets. Lintel carved "Parva
sed apta domino l673". The west garden front circa 1710. 1 storey and attic symmetrical 6 bay ashlar front with steep hipped old tile roof. 2 gabled 2 light casement dormers. 5 deep set sash windows, thick glazing bars, ashlar architraves and sills. Door in 3rd bay from south set in ashlar architrave surround. Acanthus console brackets supporting cornice, broken segmental pediment.
Door has thick glazing bar sashes to match windows and 2 fielded panels forming lower door.
Interior: Hall has late C16 fireplace, cambered stone head and Jambs. Drawing
room panelled early C18, bolection mouldings, pulvinated frieze and cornice. Red and grey marble bolection moulded mantlepiece, centre wood panel flanked by pilasters. Early Cl8 staircase, oak with closed string, balusters cased in. Upper hall panelled early Cl8, and bedroom with panelling. South end of attic has exposed butt purlins, exposed principal, tenoned pegged collar and wall posts.
Thomas Pitt bought the house in 1690 and the garden front is probably due to him. William Pitt the elder was born here.
Marwarden Court with former stables and forecourt wall & gate form a group.
Late C16/early C17 alterations in circa 1710 and C19. East front: 2-storeyes and attic, dressed stone, old tile roof. East front U-shaped with 3-light leaded stone mullioned attic windows and 6-light stone mullioned and transomed
windows with C19 lights on ground and 1st floors, all under dripmoulds. Central upper 4-light stone mullioned and transomed window and porch between the gabled
wings with rusticated jambs and flat hood on brackets. Lintel carved "Parva
sed apta domino l673". The west garden front circa 1710. 1 storey and attic symmetrical 6 bay ashlar front with steep hipped old tile roof. 2 gabled 2 light casement dormers. 5 deep set sash windows, thick glazing bars, ashlar architraves and sills. Door in 3rd bay from south set in ashlar architrave surround. Acanthus console brackets supporting cornice, broken segmental pediment.
Door has thick glazing bar sashes to match windows and 2 fielded panels forming lower door.
Interior: Hall has late C16 fireplace, cambered stone head and Jambs. Drawing
room panelled early C18, bolection mouldings, pulvinated frieze and cornice. Red and grey marble bolection moulded mantlepiece, centre wood panel flanked by pilasters. Early Cl8 staircase, oak with closed string, balusters cased in. Upper hall panelled early Cl8, and bedroom with panelling. South end of attic has exposed butt purlins, exposed principal, tenoned pegged collar and wall posts.
Thomas Pitt bought the house in 1690 and the garden front is probably due to him. William Pitt the elder was born here.
Marwarden Court with former stables and forecourt wall & gate form a group.

Prebendal House
Grade II
Dated 1700. The original part to right of road front. Tall 2 storeys red brick front with moulded and coved eaves. Half hipped old tile roof with gable end to rear. Side wall of brick and flint, some stone with external chimney. To rear upper part rendered. Lower part of flint and stone chequered brick dressings. Street front: the old part has canted full height bay, 3 sash windows to each floor, in linked flush frames the central front light round headed as Venetian window, on each floor, with keystone over, glazing bars intact. Door of 4 fielded panels to left of bay under flat hood on shaped brackets. Early Cl9 extension of 1 storey and attic red brick to south. Gable end old
tile roof. Gabled semi-dormer. 2 3 light casements on- ground floor. Side elevation;north, has Venetian lst floor window. Interior has rococo fireplace ground floor. Late C18 marble on lst floor, both in rooms with bay windows.
Dated 1700. The original part to right of road front. Tall 2 storeys red brick front with moulded and coved eaves. Half hipped old tile roof with gable end to rear. Side wall of brick and flint, some stone with external chimney. To rear upper part rendered. Lower part of flint and stone chequered brick dressings. Street front: the old part has canted full height bay, 3 sash windows to each floor, in linked flush frames the central front light round headed as Venetian window, on each floor, with keystone over, glazing bars intact. Door of 4 fielded panels to left of bay under flat hood on shaped brackets. Early Cl9 extension of 1 storey and attic red brick to south. Gable end old
tile roof. Gabled semi-dormer. 2 3 light casements on- ground floor. Side elevation;north, has Venetian lst floor window. Interior has rococo fireplace ground floor. Late C18 marble on lst floor, both in rooms with bay windows.

Grade II Early C19 doubling of C18 or earlier building. 2 storeys red brick front. Low pitch gable end slate roof. 3 bay symmetrical front. 3 windows 1st floor,
2 on ground floor, recessed sashes glazing bars intact, 4 panes wide to outer windows. Central door of 4 flush panels, arched radiating fanlight, in rectangular stucco surround, springers and cornice. C18 or earlier part to rear with hipped
gable ends, slate hung sides.
2 on ground floor, recessed sashes glazing bars intact, 4 panes wide to outer windows. Central door of 4 flush panels, arched radiating fanlight, in rectangular stucco surround, springers and cornice. C18 or earlier part to rear with hipped
gable ends, slate hung sides.

Old School House
no details available

Daisy Cottage
Grade II Circa 1800-30. 2 storey flint rubble cottage with red brick dressings and
quoins, brick plinth. Steep hipped old tile roof with stepped brick eaves.
2 2 light wood casements and centre blind window 1st floor. 2 similar but
camber headed casements on ground floor and central plain door under cambered
quoins, brick plinth. Steep hipped old tile roof with stepped brick eaves.
2 2 light wood casements and centre blind window 1st floor. 2 similar but
camber headed casements on ground floor and central plain door under cambered

Old Sarum View
Grade II Post Office and shop. Early C18. 2 storeys, colourwashed brick on projecting plinth, moulded string. Half hipped thatched roof. East front has 2 3 light casements both floors.
North front has one casement and modern glazed and panelled door. Small single storey shop as wing to north.
North front has one casement and modern glazed and panelled door. Small single storey shop as wing to north.

Avonside House
Grade II
Situated at end of lane to west of Stratford Road by the Avon. Late C18 2
storeys painted brick. Gable end old tile roof.' Brick dentil eaves cornice. Symmetrical 3 window south front, modern metal casements but with small panes.
Central 6 panel door under gabled brick porch. Lower 2 storey wing to west with original 2 light leaded casement lst floor, modern French window ground floor. Roof carried down over ground floor to rear, central panelled door flanked by wood casements. Earlier leaded casements in east gable end.
Situated at end of lane to west of Stratford Road by the Avon. Late C18 2
storeys painted brick. Gable end old tile roof.' Brick dentil eaves cornice. Symmetrical 3 window south front, modern metal casements but with small panes.
Central 6 panel door under gabled brick porch. Lower 2 storey wing to west with original 2 light leaded casement lst floor, modern French window ground floor. Roof carried down over ground floor to rear, central panelled door flanked by wood casements. Earlier leaded casements in east gable end.

Barn, Parsonage Close
Grade II GV Barn of Parsonage Farmhouse
immediately to north west. Weatherboarded 4 bays. Gable end old tile roof. Hipped entrance at south end. C17 timber frame. Wall posts with enlarged heads, curved chamfered braces ie beams. Large sole plates on brick wells trussed roof, collars, 2 pairs
of purlins, some curved windbraces.
Parsonage Farmhouse, walls and barn form a group.
immediately to north west. Weatherboarded 4 bays. Gable end old tile roof. Hipped entrance at south end. C17 timber frame. Wall posts with enlarged heads, curved chamfered braces ie beams. Large sole plates on brick wells trussed roof, collars, 2 pairs
of purlins, some curved windbraces.
Parsonage Farmhouse, walls and barn form a group.

The Parsonage
Grade II* GV Parsonage Farmhouse C16 origin. The old house now as wing to rear of late C18 rebuilding facing
road. 2 storeys and attic buff colour brick, flat eaves with pairs of cut
brackets. Steep pitch old tile roof, gable ends tile-hung. 5 bay symmetrical
front, recessed sashes; glazing bars intact. Central partly glazed door under slender Doric, porch, wall pilasters. Panelled reveals and soffit to doorway.
To rear, the old house is a range of late C16 stone and flint chequer. 1 storey
and attic. 3 gabled dormers. Irregular stone mullioned and wood casements. One window retains horn glass in some of leaded panes. Interior: roof structure of old range survives 5 bays of roof trusses, collars and 2 pairs of butt purlins, curved windbraces to upper purlins.
road. 2 storeys and attic buff colour brick, flat eaves with pairs of cut
brackets. Steep pitch old tile roof, gable ends tile-hung. 5 bay symmetrical
front, recessed sashes; glazing bars intact. Central partly glazed door under slender Doric, porch, wall pilasters. Panelled reveals and soffit to doorway.
To rear, the old house is a range of late C16 stone and flint chequer. 1 storey
and attic. 3 gabled dormers. Irregular stone mullioned and wood casements. One window retains horn glass in some of leaded panes. Interior: roof structure of old range survives 5 bays of roof trusses, collars and 2 pairs of butt purlins, curved windbraces to upper purlins.

Dairy Cottage
Grade II GV
Cl8. 2 storeys stone and flint with red brick dressings. Steep thatched roofswept over upper windows. The upper semi-attic storey is brick. 2 3 light casements and central thatched porch. Later lean-to with hipped tiled roof to north.
Little Thatches and Old Forge Cottage form a group with Dairy Cottage.
Cl8. 2 storeys stone and flint with red brick dressings. Steep thatched roofswept over upper windows. The upper semi-attic storey is brick. 2 3 light casements and central thatched porch. Later lean-to with hipped tiled roof to north.
Little Thatches and Old Forge Cottage form a group with Dairy Cottage.

Little Thatches & Old Forge Cottage
Grade II GV
C16 modernised. 2 storeys timber framed with colourwashed brick, flint and
plaster infilling on base of stone and flint and brick. Gable end thatched roof, north end part weatherboarded, south end half tile hung. Long irregular front with 6 modern leaded casements and doors. West front 3 "eyebrowed" dormers. External brick chimney.
Little Thatches and Old Forge Cottage form a group with Dairy Cottage.
C16 modernised. 2 storeys timber framed with colourwashed brick, flint and
plaster infilling on base of stone and flint and brick. Gable end thatched roof, north end part weatherboarded, south end half tile hung. Long irregular front with 6 modern leaded casements and doors. West front 3 "eyebrowed" dormers. External brick chimney.
Little Thatches and Old Forge Cottage form a group with Dairy Cottage.

White House
A medieval sundial is incorporated into the brickwork

Orchard Cottage
no details available

Orchard House
Grade II .
Late C18/early C19. 2 storeys red brick with brick dentil eaves. Hipped slate roof. 3 bay front facing road, recessed 4 pane outer sashes, 3 panes to centre, flat rubbed arches. Central door of 6 flush panels in panelled reveals, doorcase of reeded columns, fluted frieze broken forward over columns with roundels
and cornice. Later C19 and modern extension to rear.
Late C18/early C19. 2 storeys red brick with brick dentil eaves. Hipped slate roof. 3 bay front facing road, recessed 4 pane outer sashes, 3 panes to centre, flat rubbed arches. Central door of 6 flush panels in panelled reveals, doorcase of reeded columns, fluted frieze broken forward over columns with roundels
and cornice. Later C19 and modern extension to rear.

Home Cottage
Grade I
C17/C18. 2 storey pair. Flint, some stone with red brick dressings. Hipped
thatched roof. 4 "eyebrowed" casements 1st floor, 3 lights, 2 modern, partly leaded. On ground floor 4 3 light wood casements, some modernised. One door
with thatched porch, the other under modern tiled porch.
C17/C18. 2 storey pair. Flint, some stone with red brick dressings. Hipped
thatched roof. 4 "eyebrowed" casements 1st floor, 3 lights, 2 modern, partly leaded. On ground floor 4 3 light wood casements, some modernised. One door
with thatched porch, the other under modern tiled porch.

Flint Cottage
Grade I
C17/C18. 2 storey pair. Flint, some stone with red brick dressings. Hipped
thatched roof. 4 "eyebrowed" casements 1st floor, 3 lights, 2 modern, partly leaded. On ground floor 4 3 light wood casements, some modernised. One door
with thatched porch, the other under modern tiled porch.
C17/C18. 2 storey pair. Flint, some stone with red brick dressings. Hipped
thatched roof. 4 "eyebrowed" casements 1st floor, 3 lights, 2 modern, partly leaded. On ground floor 4 3 light wood casements, some modernised. One door
with thatched porch, the other under modern tiled porch.

Ourn Cottage
Grade II .
Circa 1800. 2 storey red brick partly colourwashed cottage at right angles
to road. Half hipped old tile roof with brick eaves. Symmetrical front, 3
windows 1st floor 2 on ground floor, recessed sashes, glazing bars, wood lintels. Central 1st floor window is a 2 light casement. Central door of 6 flush panels. Good wrought iron porch, geometrical pattern to supports, diamond pattern to frieze, but corrugated iron roof.
External chimney at west end. Later C19 wing to rear.
Circa 1800. 2 storey red brick partly colourwashed cottage at right angles
to road. Half hipped old tile roof with brick eaves. Symmetrical front, 3
windows 1st floor 2 on ground floor, recessed sashes, glazing bars, wood lintels. Central 1st floor window is a 2 light casement. Central door of 6 flush panels. Good wrought iron porch, geometrical pattern to supports, diamond pattern to frieze, but corrugated iron roof.
External chimney at west end. Later C19 wing to rear.

Farthing Cottage
Grade II cottage including screen wall and outhouse C18 or earlier, cottage or farmhouse. 1 storey and attic flint rubble and brick dressings. Thatched roof. 4 "eyebrowed" casement dormers. 3 renewed
3 light casements on ground floor. Modern door under thatched porch. Front continued by cob screen wall to south, with side door, linking outhouse also of cob. Wall and outhouse both thatched.
3 light casements on ground floor. Modern door under thatched porch. Front continued by cob screen wall to south, with side door, linking outhouse also of cob. Wall and outhouse both thatched.

Albertine Cottage
no details available

The Old Laundry
Grade II
Late C18. 2 storeys red brick, some grey headers. Old tile roof with hipped
gable ends. Tall brick chimney with block capping. 3 irregularly spaced casements of 2 and 3 lights, cambered brick arches, 3 3-light casements ground floor,
glazing bars. Plain ledged door, camber headed. Later single storey red
brick extension to north.
Late C18. 2 storeys red brick, some grey headers. Old tile roof with hipped
gable ends. Tall brick chimney with block capping. 3 irregularly spaced casements of 2 and 3 lights, cambered brick arches, 3 3-light casements ground floor,
glazing bars. Plain ledged door, camber headed. Later single storey red
brick extension to north.
There is more information available about several of these properties - details on this page.
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