Permissive Paths
A permissive path (sometimes known as a concessionary path) can be used by walkers over privately-owned land. Permissive paths are not shown on ordnance survey maps or on the county Definitive Maps.
Landowners usually display a notice accompanied by a map, at both ends of a permissive path. Check the notice for any conditions of use.

There is a permissive path in Stratford sub Castle on the lower western-facing slopes of Old Sarum. It runs around the perimeter of a large field.
or from public footpath SALS6 [1] which runs parallel to Stratford Road from The Portway passing east of Dairy Cottage.
Look out for a kissing gate marked with Permissive Path signs.
or access from SALS7 a narrow footpath behind this gate on Stratford Road, between Long Gate and Castle Close.
There is access through a gate on footpath SALS24 [1] (Stratford Road by Dairy Cottage, up to Castle Road)

Looking towards Old Sarum after passing through the kissing gate.
This field is privately owned. There are NO Public Rights of Way.
You may use it at your own risk. The field is used for grazing sheep and haymaking so please only walk on the path around the edge of the field. NOT ACROSS THE MIDDLE OF THE FIELD. Please pick up all dog poo. It is bad for both sheep and hay.
If the black and white lurchers who own this field are in it, please go elsewhere, there are public rights of way in all the surrounding fields or put your dogs, children and runners on leads for their own safety. The lurchers WILL chase them.
Wording on the Landowner's Notice:
Note: When sheep are grazing in this field, the gates are padlocked to temporarily deny access.
Wherever you walk in the countryside, the Countryside Code applies. Click the logo to view a leaflet/summary issued in April 2021.
Or to read the full details use this link to the full version.